Suggested Homework Schedule! (added Jan 2014)


Please understand that this homework is NOT mandatory, I understand the need for my students to have down time, so please do not stress if the homework is not completed every night.  This is just a suggestion of skills to work on during the week and websites to help you with the process.  If you need suggestions for materials to use, or have any questions please let me know.  At times we will send home different materials for you to try with your child.  The ACT website (listed in the chart below) is a great resource with an extensive list of websites for children. 


            The most important skill to work on with your child every day is communication!  Developing their communication skills is vital to their education and something we work on throughout the day at school, the more consistent you are at home the better J.  Here are some suggestions to promote communication in your home:

·         If your child uses a communication device always have that device accessible and ready for them to use. 

·         If your child is non-verbal or only uses single words encourage vocal play – if they make sounds imitate their sounds.  Encourage them to make sounds to request items.

·         Label items with visual symbols – and use your words to name items so that your child becomes familiar with different vocabulary – if you are helping your child to put on shoes repeat “shoes”.

·         If they make any communication attempt (sign, verbal approximation, or gesturing) – respond to their attempt immediately!

·         Manipulate some of their favorite belongings so that they are out of your child’s reach – that way they have make a communicative attempt to ask for that item.

·         Model appropriate language – if they say “cookie” – repeat the word back to them but give them a full sentence “Oh you want a cookie”.

·         Give sentence starters such as “I feel…” “I want…” “I need…” – this will help your child be able to fill in the blank.

·         Require more than 1 word if your child is ready to use short phrases or sentences – encourage them to say “more cookie” or “I want a cookie please”.

·         Encourage using variations of language – instead of always “I want…” – encourage “Can I have…” or “May I have…”.

These are just a few brief suggestions.  It is important to encourage communication throughout the day! 


There are many websites available that can help with communication needs, including:



The chart below shows a different skill set to work on with your child each day of the week.  This is a suggested sequence with sample activities.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


Skill Area
Suggested Activities
Helpful Related Websites
·         Name recognition
·         Letter recognition (matching, pointing to, verbally identifying, listening to/singing the alphabet)
·         Sight word recognition                                                                
·         Reading together – holding book; turning the page; pointing to text/pictures; answering questions
·         Read units that we send home
·         One-to-one correspondence: matching one object to another
·         Matching colors/shapes/numbers/amounts
·         Identifying numbers - pointing to or naming
     Practice counting objects
Computer time
·         Practice orienting towards the computer
·         Wearing headphones
·         Sustaining attention on the computer screen – watch fun short video clips
·         Mouse skills
·         Cause effect games
·         First – have them do a directed activity and then allow them to have fun watching a favorite video or playing a favorite game
· - go to this site for a comprehensive list of kids’ sites by category!!
· – great for fun!
Fine Motor Skills
·         Cutting
·         Tracing
·         Writing
·         Coloring
·         Painting
Gross Motor Skills
·         Swinging
·         Dancing
·         Running
·         Jumping
·         Riding a bike
·         Swimming
Social Skills/Self Management
·         Initiating play
·         Sustaining play
·         Taking turns
·         Communicating while playing – reciprocal exchanges
·         Imaginative play
·         Imitative play
·         Sharing
·         Using toys appropriately  
·         Following verbal directions – help with cooking; setting the table; easy chores 

 Thank you for working with your child at home! 

            J Christina

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